Linux Application Development

Our Services in Linux Application Development

Maximize the potential of Linux for embedded projects.

What we do

We develop Linux apps for embedded systems in various programming languages

Our applications (mostly Linux daemons) manage the features, e.g., applications that provide GNSS data to the LAN or USB ports or the local host through inter-process communication.

Various protocol agents such as SNMP is the next area we are active in.

Our output is usually an installation package for the requested Linux distribution and the test reports from the software testing.

Used programming languages – compiled (C, C++) or interpreted (Python, JavaScript).

Linux Application Development

Linux Application Development

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Technologies and Tools
Technologies and Tools (Linux app)
Technologies and Tools (Linux app)

Technologies and Tools

Model IDE – Framework – Compiler – Debugger - Documentation

Although most of the software can be developed in simple text editors, we usually use IDE (Integrated Development Environment) tools like MS Visual Studio Code and remote debugging access, Qt Creator, Atom, and Eclipse.

There are also a few other systems that are provided to the specific MCUs by their producers. Prior to that, we often create a UML architecture model in Enterprise Architect or Visual Paradigm.

For frontend development, we mostly use ReactJS or AngularJS. For backend development, we use NodeJS with JavaScript source code.

We also implement efficient and fast Linux daemons with C/C++ and corresponding compilers and debuggers (mostly g++ and gdb).

Documentation tools strongly depend on the programming language. We use, e.g., Doxygen or JSDoc.

Target Markets
Target Markets (Linux app)
Target Markets (Linux app)

Target Markets

Wherever controllers should be compact and with low consumption.

It is ussualy valued in the radiocommunication segment, in IoT, and the segment of measurement instruments.

Our Workflow
Our Workflow (Linux app)
Our Workflow (Linux app)

Our Workflow

Every phase of Linux app development follow customers' requirements.

  • A system architecture suggestion is based on customer-specified requirements.  
  • We implement the software units corresponding to the architecture's components.
  • Test cases are implemented and performed step by step with corresponding test reports as output.  
  • Feature tests are performed at the end of the process, and their reports are compared with the feature requirements.
Our Experience
Our Experience (Linux app)
Our Experience (Linux app)

Our Experience

The development of Linux applications is continually in progress.

We started with the development of applications for emergency communication systems.

These applications configured the hardware and reported the system status to the infrastructure supervisor. In such cases, we provided in the form of Linux daemon or SNMP agent.

Later, we developed applications for measurement devices.

That means data acquisition, signal processing and their presentation via various interfaces in the form of a broker or server.

HTTPS backend and frontend development have been a matter of the last few years.

They use a lightweight SQL database engine for data storage.

Let Us Know About Your Project

Contact us

Our hardware and software development company is ready for new partners, business opportunities and challenging projects.

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Pavel Vrtík

Pavel Vrtík

Business Development


Feel free to contact me directly.

Payment, Handover and Cooperation Frameworks

How We Can Cooperate

Based on your business case and to meet your individual needs, you can choose one of two options for financing and delivery models of our services.

Fixed Cost Project

We suggest highly specified work packages, and you can decide whether they fit your needs.

We deliver, report, and invoice individual packages based on the agreed schedule.

This option is most suitable for projects where all or most of the specification is known.

Hourly Rate Service

We agree on an hourly rate and prepare an offer that includes a rough job specification. The development team dedicated by us will be part of your team. 

This means your manager directly controls the job priorities and addresses the on-the-fly issues. Hourly rate is based on the cost we have with the activity such as engineer salary and cost of the rented tool.

This scenario is suitable for projects where the exact effort is unknown, or the specification is very general.
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