Advanced R&D Project Management

Consilia ensures the project management process and support activities for custom electronic product R&D.

As a part of every project and assignment solution, we provide support services to ensure that everything runs smoothly – from the specification of the assignment to the delivery of the desired outcome and resolution.

We Are Ready for Your R&D Project

Our project managers can adapt the project plan to the needs of basically every customer.

With our engineers and developers, we can provide the entire design development. We have experts who can develop software or firmware.

We implement widely applied technologies in new use cases or applications.

Our management team can also handle projects with a limited R&D budget and can adjust the project to achieve the best performance-to-price ratio.

We provide a wide range of electronic design services

You can expect more from us than simple design work. We can follow the complete life cycle of your product.

There is an overview of complementary custom services we offer to support research and product development.

Complementary Custom Services

We can help you to avoid design mistakes in an early stage of the design. Using the requirements analysis and functional specification, we can support you in choosing the right tools, components, and technologies in order to minimize costs in the integration stage or later stages of the product life cycle.

Initial Analysis

As each project needs to start somehow, we do (if not requested otherwise) an initial analysis where we collect the product requirements, suggest several possible product variants from the marketing point of view, and make a feasibility study. 

The output from this work package is the Initial Analysis Report document.

Main Definition

As soon as the initial requirements are analyzed, we deeply analyze several possible implementation concepts (with all the pros and cons) and suggest the preferred concept to the customer.

An extensive document called Main Definition Report is usually the output of this stage.

Sometimes, we must produce a proof of concept to decide if a specific concept is the best one and corresponds to the initial expectation.

Project Management

Typical project management activities include, e.g., making document reviews during all project phases, controlling verification/certification activities, and handing over the project to production, including documentation.

For more significant projects, we typically provide one R&D project manager from our side.

We can lead a multi-party team as well.

Production support

As a part of the project, we make the prototypes and can help introduce the project into production.

Consultancy Services

We provide hardware and software development consulting services for the technical areas we are active in.

Typically, the customer needs to fill any gap in his team or competence area.

R&D Project Manager

The goal is to minimize costs, empower the R&D team, and eliminate waste.

We strongly emphasize lean development principles – such as team empowerment and waste elimination.

all custom services

We appoint a person responsible for project management and consultant for R&D.

For research and development in electronics, we appoint our own person responsible for project management. That person directly communicates with their counterpart on the customer side so that the other team members can focus more on their daily business and deep engineering activities.

Our project manager also supervises the product life cycle for all the project phases and acceptance checkpoints.

Our project managers are experienced with agile development, waterfall model, or V-model in software development. It always depends on the needs of each customer.


Tell us about your project and describe what you expect from Consilia.

You can use our form on the website or you can contact our business development directly via e-mail.


We will analyze your requirements.


Ideally, you will give us the exact product specification, and we will prepare a technical concept and a feasibility study.


If you have an excellent idea on an opportunity with a marketing study, we can convert the use cases into technical requirements before we develop the technology.


As an output of the preliminary analysis, we will create a document describing the agreed on technical specification and the technical concept.


As soon as we document the technical specifications and technical concept, we will send you an offer.

It covers all the appropriate human resources, tool rental, and materials for the prototypes.


Send us your feedback so that we know whether we should change anything in the offer (scope of work) or you can accept the offer.

Customer and Consilia

We exchange mutual NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).

We negotiate and sign a frame contract for projects with a long perspective.

We will also agree on how to exchange the mediated data (e.g., reports, production data, and other technical documentation).


When working in the mode of fixed-cost work packages, we deliver them one by one based on the agreed schedule.  

When the services are billed at an hourly rate, we provide our results gradually; in such cases, our engineers will work as a part of your team and their outputs are available immediately.


Reporting and handover happen based on the business case.

We report and invoice individual packages in the case of fixed work packages. In the second case, we report the timesheets of our engineers and invoice them regularly (typically monthly or based on the frame contract).


We agree on the payment due terms with you either in the offer or in the frame contract.

We are glad to receive feedback from our customers. In case the feedback is positive, we are even happier. Any feedback helps us improve our internal processes and the quality of our team.

Let Us Know About Your Project

Contact us

Our hardware and software development company is ready for new partners, business opportunities and challenging projects.

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Pavel Vrtík

Pavel Vrtík

Business Development


Feel free to contact me directly.

Payment, Handover and Cooperation Frameworks

How We Can Cooperate

Based on your business case and to meet your individual needs, you can choose one of two options for financing and delivery models of our services.

Fixed Cost Project

We suggest highly specified work packages, and you can decide whether they fit your needs.

We deliver, report, and invoice individual packages based on the agreed schedule.

This option is most suitable for projects where all or most of the specification is known.

Hourly Rate Service

We agree on an hourly rate and prepare an offer that includes a rough job specification. The development team dedicated by us will be part of your team. 

This means your manager directly controls the job priorities and addresses the on-the-fly issues. Hourly rate is based on the cost we have with the activity such as engineer salary and cost of the rented tool.

This scenario is suitable for projects where the exact effort is unknown, or the specification is very general.

Individual solution

is in our focus

We deliver outputs in various forms, mostly assembled PCB modules or modules, including mechanical parts and modules with or without embedded software.

We offer several possible cooperation models in nearshore and offshore software development outsourcing.

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R&D Project Management