Anticipation at the range and the first 8 brave ones

As we slowly started to gather at the shooting range, nobody was really ready for what they were about to experience. We were enjoying the delicious catering, mainly sliders, and of course, nobody was eating the salads. We were oblivious to what lay ahead.

The shooting range master eventually arrived and asked for eight brave souls to follow him. We felt like Padawans being asked by Jedi master to join his quest to destroy the Death Star. When the first volunteers were walking through the corridor, excitement was palpable in the air. Our lives were about to be turned upside down.

We entered into that temple of gunpowder and bullets. In front of us laid five weapons – a handgun, a handgun with a silencer, a revolver, a shotgun and an assault rifle. Each one stepped up to the weapon that had been assigned to him. We were feeling the cold and remorseless metal, still not grasping the scale of what we were about to experience. After the safety instructions were explained to us, we finally received the go-ahead to load our weapon and show the world what we are made of.

Challenge surpassing all previous

The first shots started to echo through the room. BANG! BANG! BANG! The noise was deafening. Weaker characters would have run straight for the door, but not us! We are made of something special, something unique. We at Consilia face challenges head-on. Fire from all the weapons was mixed in the room at the same time. Little confetti flew through the air as the bullets from our guns hit the paper targets at supersonic speeds. After a while, the room went quiet.

We stood there, with our guns now empty, but our hearts now richer. We faced something we had never faced before. We walked into that room as mere boys but left as men. We felt like no project deadline was impossible to meet, no technical problem was unsolvable.

The ultimate reward - a final with a legend

Just when we thought the fun was over, we noticed something exceptional hanging on the wall. For those who watched Stargate SG-1 series as kids, P-90 is nothing new. Very unique weapon. After all of us promised our first born child to Pavel, our esteemed leader, he took out his credit card and said: “Enjoy guys!”. We were given the opportunity to try this legendary gun. It was a cherry on top of an amazing day.