What Is Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Beacon?

BLE beacons are compact and affordable devices that use Bluetooth® Low Energy technology to transmit important data to nearby devices. Find out how flexible they are to adapt to different environments and uses.

BLE beacons typically connect to nearby devices with Bluetooth® but they can also be configured to communicate with BLE gateways or other wireless networks and use in larger, interconnected systems.

Technology and functionality

BLE beacons are compact, cost-effective devices that utilize Bluetooth® Low Energy technology to broadcast signals to proximate devices. These signals typically encompass information such as the beacon’s unique identifier, along with useful data like sensor readings or a URL, i.e. an Advertising Packet. The beacon advertises this information to nearby devices at regular intervals, with typical advertisement periods ranging from 100 ms for applications necessitating swift response times, to several seconds for applications with slower response times.

Various forms and applications

Bluetooth® Low Energy beacons come in various forms, including coin-sized devices that can be affixed to objects, and even stickers that can be adhered to walls or other surfaces. They can be configured to transmit signals at different power levels, which influences the range of the beacon. This allows for flexible deployment in diverse environments, from compact rooms to expansive outdoor spaces.

Typically, BLE beacons connect to nearby smartphones, tablets, or other devices equipped with Bluetooth® capability. However, they can also be configured to communicate with BLE gateways or other wireless networks.

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